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Visa Requirement

Visa requirement, travel, accommodation: How UAE students can actively prepare for college abroad

Table of Contents


Visa requirements when Preparing for college abroad and it is an exciting and transformative journey for many UAE students. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in their academic life, where they will be pursuing their studies independently and living away from their parents. To ensure a smooth transition, careful preparation is essential. This comprehensive university readiness checklist covers all the essential tasks and considerations for UAE students bound for international universities.

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1. Engage in Pre-Enrolment Activities: Establishing Connections Before You Arrive

Before embarking on your exciting academic journey abroad, it’s beneficial to engage in pre-enrolment activities that can help you ease into your new university life. Many universities offer various platforms, such as social media groups, webinars, and student communities, specifically designed for international students like you. Participating in these activities provides an excellent opportunity to connect with other students who will be commencing their studies alongside you.

Benefits of Pre-Enrolment Activities:

Building a Support Network: By joining social media groups and online communities, you can connect with fellow students who may be from the same country or share similar interests. Establishing these connections before you even set foot on campus can help alleviate any feelings of homesickness and create a support network that will be invaluable during your time abroad.

Navigating University Life: Pre-enrolment webinars and orientation sessions can give you a sneak peek into university life and the resources available to international students. You can learn about the campus facilities, academic support services, and extracurricular activities offered, allowing you to make the most of your university experience.

Sharing Information and Tips: Students who have already experienced studying abroad can offer valuable insights and tips on adjusting to a new culture, managing academic workload, and finding local amenities. These shared experiences can help ease any anxieties you may have about studying abroad and provide practical advice for your upcoming journey.

How to Engage in Pre-Enrolment Activities:

Join Official Social Media Groups: Most universities have official social media groups for international students. Look for these groups on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn and request to join. Here, you can interact with other incoming students, ask questions, and get a feel for the university community.

Attend Virtual Webinars: Keep an eye on your university’s website for upcoming webinars for international students. These webinars often cover topics like academic expectations, accommodation options, and support services. Participating in these events will give you a better understanding of what to expect when you arrive on campus.

Reach Out to University Ambassadors: Some universities have student ambassadors who are eager to assist incoming international students. Reach out to them through email or social media to introduce yourself and seek guidance on any concerns you may have.

Ask Questions: Don’t be shy about asking questions in the pre-enrolment groups or webinars. Whether it’s about the academic programs, campus facilities, or student life, getting answers to your queries will help you feel more prepared and excited about starting your studies abroad.

Remember, engaging in pre-enrolment activities is not just about gathering information; it’s about establishing connections and building a sense of belonging even before you arrive at your chosen university. Embrace these opportunities to connect with your future peers and make the most of your study abroad experience!

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2. Apply for University Accommodation (Visa Requirement):

One of the essential tasks for UAE students preparing to study abroad is securing suitable accommodation. Many universities offer various choices for student housing, and making the right decision can significantly impact your overall university experience. Here’s what you need to know about applying for university accommodation and the advantages of living on campus during your first year.

Advantages of On-Campus Accommodation:

Convenience and Proximity: Living on campus puts you in close proximity to academic buildings, libraries, and other university facilities. This convenience saves time and allows you to maximize your study hours and participate in campus activities without worrying about long commutes.

Social Opportunities: On-campus accommodation provides ample opportunities to socialize and build connections with fellow students. You’ll be surrounded by peers who are also adjusting to university life, making it easier to form friendships and find study groups.

Supportive Environment: Most universities offer resident advisors or mentors who can provide guidance and support during your transition to university life. Living on campus also gives you quick access to academic advisors, making it easier to seek help when needed.

Inclusive Experience: Living on campus immerses you in the university’s vibrant community and campus events. You’ll have a front-row seat to campus activities, making it easier to get involved in extracurriculars, clubs, and sports teams.

Considerations When Choosing University Accommodation:

Available Options: Research the different accommodation options offered by the university. Some universities provide traditional dormitories, while others offer apartment-style living or themed housing communities.

Location: Consider the location of the accommodation in relation to the university campus, nearby amenities, and public transportation options. Being close to essential services like grocery stores and medical facilities can be advantageous.

Amenities and Facilities: Check the amenities provided in the accommodation, such as laundry facilities, communal spaces, and study rooms. Access to these amenities can enhance your overall living experience.

Cost and Budget: Evaluate the cost of on-campus accommodation and compare it to off-campus alternatives. Consider your budget and any additional expenses that may come with living on campus.

Applying for University Accommodation:

Application Deadlines: Be mindful of the application deadlines for university accommodation. Some universities have specific deadlines for international students, so it’s essential to apply early.

Application Process: The application process for university accommodation may vary. Some universities require you to submit an application online, while others may require you to fill out a paper form. Follow the instructions provided by the university’s housing office.

Special Requests: If you have any specific accommodation requests, such as accessibility requirements or preferences for roommates, communicate these to the housing office during the application process.

Remember that securing university accommodation is a critical step in preparing for your study abroad journey. On-campus living offers numerous advantages and can enrich your university experience, so explore the options available to find your home away from home in the vibrant university community.

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3. Understand Visa Requirements: Navigating the Path to Study Abroad

Understanding the visa requirements for studying abroad is a crucial step for UAE students planning to pursue their education in a foreign country. Each country has its own visa regulations, and it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements and application process to avoid any last-minute complications. Here’s what you need to know about visa requirements and the steps to ensure a smooth visa application process.

Research Visa Regulations:

Study Visa Categories: Different countries offer various types of study visas, depending on the duration and level of your studies. Research the study visa categories available in your chosen country and determine which one applies to your situation.

Visa Eligibility: Check the eligibility criteria for the study visa, including academic requirements, financial sufficiency, and health insurance. Ensure that you meet all the necessary conditions before proceeding with the application.

Visa Duration: Be aware of the duration of the study visa and any potential extensions. Some countries may require you to renew your visa periodically, depending on the length of your program.

Applying for a Study Visa:

Application Process: Understand the step-by-step process for applying for a study visa in your chosen country. Most countries require you to submit your application online or through a visa application center in your home country.

Documentation: Gather all the required documents for the visa application, including acceptance letters from the university, financial statements, passport-sized photographs, and a valid passport. Ensure that your documents are complete and up-to-date.

Financial Proof: Many countries require students to demonstrate sufficient funds to cover tuition fees and living expenses during their studies. Prepare financial documents, such as bank statements or sponsorship letters, as evidence of your financial capacity.

Health and Medical Requirements: Some countries may require you to undergo medical examinations or provide proof of immunizations. Be prepared to fulfil any health-related requirements for the visa application.

Visa Interview (if applicable):

Interview Preparation: In some cases, you may be required to attend a visa interview at the embassy or consulate. Practice common interview questions and ensure you can confidently articulate your study plans and intentions.

Required Documentation: Bring all necessary documents to the visa interview, including your acceptance letter, financial statements, and any other documents requested by the visa officer.

Stay Informed and Seek Assistance:

Stay Updated: Keep yourself informed about any changes in visa regulations or application procedures. Regularly check official government websites or contact the embassy or consulate for the most up-to-date information.

Seek Professional Advice: If you encounter any challenges or uncertainties during the visa application process, seek assistance from your university’s international student services or consult with a reputable visa consultant.

Understanding the visa requirements for studying abroad is a critical part of your preparation. By being well-informed and organized, you can navigate the visa application process with confidence and set the stage for a successful academic journey abroad.

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4. Attend Campus Orientation: Your Gateway to a Fulfilling University Experience

Campus orientation is a crucial event for international students embarking on their study abroad journey. It serves as the gateway to familiarizing yourself with the university campus, connecting with fellow students, and gaining valuable insights into the academic and social life that awaits you. Attending campus orientation sets the tone for an enriching and fulfilling university experience. Here’s what you need to know about this exciting event and how to make the most of it:

Orientation Week Activities:

Campus Tours: During orientation week, universities typically organize campus tours to help you become familiar with the various academic buildings, facilities, libraries, and recreational areas. These tours will ensure that you know your way around the campus from day one.

Meet and Greet Sessions: Orientation provides ample opportunities to meet your future professors, department heads, and academic advisors. These sessions allow you to ask questions about your chosen field of study and receive guidance on academic planning.

Introduction to University Services: You’ll be introduced to the numerous support services available on campus, such as the counselling centre, health clinic, career services, and student organizations. Knowing where to access these resources will prove invaluable during your time at the university.

Information Sessions: Orientation includes informative presentations on a wide range of topics, including academic policies, campus safety, cultural diversity, and student rights and responsibilities. Take notes and engage actively in these sessions to be well informed.

Getting to Know Your Peers:

Ice-Breaker Activities: Participate in ice-breaker activities and team-building exercises to get to know your fellow students. Orientation is an excellent opportunity to make friends from different backgrounds and cultures, creating a supportive social network.

Buddy/Mentor Programs: Some universities pair new international students with current students as buddies or mentors. These experienced students can provide valuable advice and support during your early days at the university.

Joining Clubs and Societies: Orientation is the perfect time to explore the wide array of clubs, societies, and student organizations available on campus. Joining a club or society aligned with your interests will help you integrate into campus life and make friends with shared passions.

Cultural and Social Events:

Cultural Showcases: Universities often showcase their diverse cultural community during orientation. Attend cultural events and performances to gain a deeper understanding of the campus’s multicultural environment.

Social Events: Orientation week includes various social events, such as welcome parties, barbecues, and movie nights. These events offer a relaxed environment to mingle and build connections with other students.

Make the Most of Orientation:

Be Open-Minded: Embrace the diversity and new experiences that orientation offers. Step out of your comfort zone and be open to meeting people from different backgrounds.

Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions during orientation. University staff and current students are there to help you navigate university life.

Take Notes: Bring a notebook and pen to jot down important information, contact details, and any useful tips shared during the orientation sessions.

Attending campus orientation is an essential part of your transition to university life. By actively participating in the various activities and events, you’ll be well-prepared to embark on a rewarding academic journey and create lasting memories during your time at the university.

Plan Your Travel:

Planning the travel route to the international university is essential. While students may focus on flight bookings and travel arrangements, they should not overlook transportation from the airport to the campus. Many universities offer a Meet and Greet service for incoming students, ensuring a smooth transition from the airport to their new home. Students should explore the transportation options provided by their respective institutions to facilitate a hassle-free arrival.

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5. Plan Your Travel: Arriving Safely at Your Study Destination

Planning your travel to your study destination is a critical step in ensuring a smooth and hassle-free transition to university life abroad. Navigating international travel can be overwhelming, but with careful preparation, you can make the journey enjoyable and stress-free. Here are some essential tips to plan your travel effectively:

Booking Flights:

Early Booking: As soon as you receive your acceptance letter and visa approval, start researching flight options and book your tickets well in advance. Early booking often allows you to secure better deals and more convenient travel schedules.

Direct Flights: If possible, opt for direct flights to your study destination. Direct flights reduce the overall travel time and the risk of lost baggage or missed connections.

Airport Transfers: Check if your university offers a meet-and-greet service or airport transfers for incoming international students. Many universities provide this service to help you get from the airport to the campus safely and comfortably.

Arrival Date and Time:

Orientation Week: Aim to arrive at least a few days before the start of the university’s orientation week. This will give you sufficient time to settle in, get over jet lag, and attend crucial orientation activities.

Check University Guidelines: Some universities may have specific arrival dates or recommended timeframes for international students. Check the university’s website or contact the international student office to know the best dates to arrive.

Luggage and Packing:

Checked Baggage Limitations: Be aware of the checked baggage limitations imposed by your airline. Pack only essentials and items you’ll need immediately upon arrival.

Carry-On Bag: Keep a carry-on bag with your essential documents, electronics, medications, and a change of clothes. This will come in handy in case your checked luggage gets delayed.

Health and Safety Precautions:

Travel Insurance: Ensure you have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and baggage loss. Travel insurance is essential to protect yourself financially during unexpected situations.

Vaccinations and Medications: Check if your destination requires any specific vaccinations and carry necessary medications in your carry-on bag.


Passport and Visa: Double-check that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay. Carry multiple photocopies of your passport and visa documents in different bags.

University Correspondence: Keep all university-related documents, such as your acceptance letter, admission offer, and accommodation details, in a safe and easily accessible place.

Transport from the Airport:

University Assistance: If your university offers airport transfers, make sure you have the necessary information and contacts to avail of the service.

Public Transportation: Familiarize yourself with the public transportation options from the airport to your accommodation or campus. Consider downloading useful travel apps to navigate local transportation easily.

Cultural Awareness:

Local Customs and Etiquette: Research the cultural norms and etiquette of your study destination to avoid any unintentional misunderstandings or faux pas.

Language Basics: Learn some basic phrases in the local language to help you communicate with locals and navigate your way around the city.

Planning your travel meticulously will help you arrive safely and ready to embark on an exciting chapter in your academic journey. Keep your documents organized, stay informed about your destination’s guidelines, and ensure you have the necessary arrangements in place for a seamless transition.

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6. Pack Smart: Essential Items for Your Study Abroad Adventure

Packing for your study abroad adventure requires careful consideration to ensure you have all the essentials without carrying unnecessary baggage. Smart packing will not only save you from excess baggage fees but also make your travel more convenient and comfortable. Here are some tips to pack smart for your study abroad journey:

Essential Documents:

Passport and Visa: Keep your passport and visa documents in a secure and easily accessible place. Make photocopies and store digital copies in case of loss or theft.

University Documents: Carry all your university-related documents, such as your acceptance letter, student ID, and accommodation details.

Travel Insurance: Ensure you have a copy of your comprehensive travel insurance policy that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and baggage loss.


Weather-Appropriate Clothing: Pack clothing suitable for the weather conditions at your study destination. Consider layering options for varying temperatures.

Formal Attire: Include a few formal outfits for special events, university presentations, or networking opportunities.

Comfortable Shoes: Pack comfortable walking shoes as you’ll likely be exploring your new city on foot.

Rain Gear: Depending on the climate, bring an umbrella, raincoat, or waterproof shoes.

Electronics and Gadgets:

Laptop and Chargers: Carry your laptop or tablet for studying, assignments, and staying connected with family and friends back home.

Universal Power Adapter: Ensure you have a universal power adapter to charge your devices in different countries.

Mobile Phone: Bring an unlocked mobile phone and get a local SIM card to stay connected.

Camera: Capture memories of your study abroad experience with a camera.

Personal Care Items:

Toiletries: Pack essential toiletries like toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, and any personal care items you prefer.

Prescription Medications: Carry enough prescription medications to last throughout your stay, along with a copy of your prescription.

First Aid Kit: Include basic first aid supplies like bandages, antiseptic ointment, pain relievers, and any specific medications you may need.

Study Supplies:

Notebooks and Stationery: Bring notebooks, pens, highlighters, and any study supplies you’ll need.

Textbooks: Check with your university if you need to bring any course-specific textbooks. Consider e-books as a space-saving alternative.

Personal Comfort:

Comfort Items: Bring a few personal items from home that provide comfort, such as photos, a favourite book, or a stuffed animal.

Travel Pillow and Blanket: These items can be handy during long flights or bus rides.

Important Tips:

Pack Light: Focus on essentials and avoid overpacking. You can buy some items, such as toiletries and study supplies after you arrive.

Check Baggage Allowance: Familiarize yourself with your airline’s baggage allowance to avoid excess baggage fees.

Weight Distribution: Distribute the weight evenly between your checked luggage and carry-on bag to ensure easier mobility.

By packing smart and efficiently, you’ll be well-prepared to embrace your study abroad journey with ease and comfort. Remember to pack essential documents, clothing suitable for the weather, necessary gadgets, personal care items, and study supplies. With a well-thought-out packing strategy, you can focus on immersing yourself in the exciting experiences that await you in your new study destination.

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7. Familiarize Yourself with Local Amenities: Settling into Your New Home Away from Home

As an international student embarking on a study abroad adventure, one of the key aspects of a smooth transition is familiarizing yourself with the local amenities available in your new host country. Understanding the resources and facilities around your study destination will help you adapt to the new environment more easily. Here’s a guide to help you get acquainted with local amenities:

1. Banking Services:

Research the local banks and their services. Consider opening a bank account to manage your finances conveniently.

Find ATMs and branches near your campus or accommodation to access your funds easily.

2. Medical Facilities:

Locate nearby hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies to ensure you have access to medical services if needed.

Check if your university offers any health services or insurance coverage for international students.

3. Public Transportation:

Learn about the public transportation options available, such as buses, trains, or trams. Familiarize yourself with routes and schedules.

Consider getting a transportation card or pass for discounted fares.

4. Grocery Stores and Supermarkets:

Find local grocery stores or supermarkets to purchase daily necessities and food items.

Explore nearby markets or speciality stores for unique local products.

5. Restaurants and Cafes:

Discover restaurants and cafes near your accommodation and campus to enjoy local cuisine and socialize with friends.

Consider trying different eateries to experience the diverse food culture of your study destination.

6. Libraries and Study Spaces:

Identify libraries and study areas on campus or in the city where you can concentrate on your studies.

Check if these places offer any resources or services for international students.

7. Recreation and Leisure Activities:

Look for nearby parks, recreational centres, gyms, or sports clubs to stay active and engaged in leisure activities.

Research cultural centres, museums, and theatres to explore the local arts and culture scene.

8. Post Office and Mail Services:

Locate the nearest post office to send and receive mail or packages.

Understand the process for receiving mail at your accommodation, especially if you are living on campus.

9. Student Support Services:

Get to know the student support services offered by your university, such as counselling, career guidance, and academic advising.

Seek information on clubs and student organizations where you can meet like-minded peers.

10. Emergency Services:

Familiarize yourself with emergency contact numbers for the police, ambulance, and fire department.

Know the procedures for seeking emergency assistance if required.

Important Tips:

Take advantage of orientation programs offered by your university to learn more about the local amenities and services available to international students.

Connect with local students or other international students who have been living in the area for some time. They can offer valuable insights and tips.

Explore your new surroundings and be open to discovering hidden gems and local hotspots.

Familiarizing yourself with the local amenities will enhance your study abroad experience, making you feel more at home in your new environment. By knowing where to find essential services, you’ll be better equipped to handle daily tasks and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of your study destination. Embrace this exciting opportunity to grow, learn, and create lasting memories in your home away from home.

Looking to study in Sweden, see how to easily get access to a student visa in Sweden


Congratulations! You have successfully completed the university readiness checklist and are now well-prepared for your study abroad adventure. As you embark on this exciting journey, remember that studying abroad is not just about academics; it’s a transformative experience that will shape your personal growth, broaden your horizons, and create memories to last a lifetime.

By engaging in pre-enrolment activities, applying for university accommodation, understanding visa requirements, attending campus orientation, planning your travel, packing smartly, and familiarizing yourself with local amenities, you have taken essential steps to ensure a smooth transition into your new life abroad.

As you settle into your new home away from home, keep an open mind and embrace the cultural diversity and experiences that await you. Make new friends, participate in campus activities, explore the local culture, and immerse yourself in the community. Be curious, ask questions, and learn from the differences you encounter, for they will enrich your understanding of the world.

Throughout your study abroad journey, challenges may arise, but remember that you are not alone. Universities provide support services to help international students adapt to their new environment. Seek assistance whenever needed and connect with fellow students who share similar experiences.

Use this time to grow academically, socially, and personally. Take advantage of every opportunity to learn, explore, and discover new passions. Step out of your comfort zone, as that’s where growth and memorable experiences reside.

Lastly, remember to maintain a healthy balance between academic commitments and leisure activities. Take time to relax, practice self-care, and make time for hobbies and interests. Embrace the new perspectives and knowledge you gain, as they will shape your future in ways you may not yet realize.

As you spread your wings and embark on this remarkable journey, know that you are embarking on an adventure of a lifetime. This experience will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on your life, enriching it in ways you never thought possible.

So, go forth with confidence and curiosity, for the world is your classroom, and the experiences that await you will be nothing short of extraordinary. Embrace this opportunity to grow, learn, and create cherished memories that will stay with you forever.

Best of luck on your study abroad adventure!

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Do You Need Travel Insurance to Study Abroad?

While travel insurance is not a mandatory requirement for studying abroad, it is highly recommended. Travel insurance provides financial protection and coverage for unexpected events, including medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost baggage, offering peace of mind during the academic journey.

Q2: Can You Work Part-Time While Studying Abroad?

Many countries allow international students to work part-time during their studies. However, students must familiarize themselves with the specific work regulations of their host country and the limitations on working hours to maintain compliance with their student visa requirements.

Q3: Are Scholarships Available for International Students?

Yes, many universities and organizations offer scholarships and financial aid to international students. It is essential to research scholarship opportunities, meet the eligibility criteria, and submit applications well in advance to increase the chances of receiving financial assistance.

Q4: How Can I Stay Connected with Family and Friends Back Home?

Staying connected with loved ones back home is essential for many international students. Utilizing communication platforms such as video calls, social media, and messaging apps can help maintain strong connections with family and friends despite the geographical distance.

Q5: What Should I Do if I Encounter Challenges Adjusting to a New Culture?

Adjusting to a new culture and academic environment may present challenges initially. It is essential to be patient with yourself and seek support from university counsellors, student advisors, or peer support groups. Engaging in campus activities and making friends can also help ease the transition and provide a sense of belonging.

Q6: How Can I Manage Homesickness?

Homesickness is a common emotion among international students. Keeping in touch with family, exploring the local community, and engaging in campus events and activities can help alleviate homesickness. Embracing new experiences and creating a support network of friends can also make the transition more enjoyable.

Q7: Are There International Student Associations on Campus?

Most universities have international student associations or clubs that provide a supportive community for students from various countries. Joining these associations can help international students connect with others who share similar experiences, cultural backgrounds, and interests.